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CHS Organizes Orientation for freshmen

CHS Organizes Orientation for freshmen

Mon 15 Jan 2024 CHS News
CHS Organizes Orientation for freshmen i

College of Health Sciences, KNUST on January 9, 2024, marked the official welcome of freshly admitted students for the 2023/2024 academic Year at the Great Hall in an Orientation session. The event shed more light on the University’s activities, functions, rules and insight into their respective programme of study.

The one-day orientation was split into two sessions, the morning session accommodated fresh students from the School of Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the School of Public Health. The afternoon session was also attended by fresh students from the School of Veterinary Medicine, the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences as well as the School of Nursing and Midwifery.

Prof Christian Agyare
Professor Christian Agyare (Provost of the College of Health Sciences KNUST)

Professor Christian Agyare, the Provost of the College of Health Sciences, extended his congratulations to the ‘first-years’ for securing admission to Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). He praised them as the best of the bunch, acknowledging their remarkable grades in the Secondary School examinations. Professor Agyare provided a comprehensive review of the University's setup, outlining the different Schools and Faculties within the College of Health Sciences, along with its Research Institutes. He delved into the details of the Undergraduate Programmes available in the College and offered valuable advice to the students, emphasizing the importance of being time-conscious, maintaining good conduct, and embracing a studious approach throughout their degree pursuits.

Mr. Herman Addae Yobo
Mr. Herman Addae Yobo - Lead It Africa

Mr Herman Addai-Yobo who was the guest speaker presented on the theme “The 360 scholar: Am I in the right programme?” He advised the fresh students to build their academics, engage in extracurricular activities, join relevant groups that will align with their purpose and also take leadership responsibilities. He concluded his lecture with a quote by Herbert Spencer which says that “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action”

The freshmen had the opportunity to receive lectures and words of counsel from the leadership of the College who touched on specific topics. The freshmen were taken through the following: University Assessment and Examination, University Rules and Regulations, Maintenance of University Facilities, the University’s Counselling Support Services, University Accounting System, how to optimize the use of the College and Faculty library, Student loans and scholarships.