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KNUST Wellness Team Holds Two-Day Health Screening for College of Health Sciences Staff

KNUST Wellness Team Holds Two-Day Health Screening for College of Health Sciences Staff

Tue 20 Jun 2023 CHS News
Health Screening for CHS Staff i

As part of the University-wide health screening and awareness programme by the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Wellness Center in collaboration with the University Health Services, a two-day health screening has been held for staff of the College of Health Sciences to address the growing burden of several health problems amongst the staff and promote health wellness.

The two-day health screening came off on the 6th and 7th of June 2023 at the College Board Room and Boadi Medical Enclave respectively. The staff was screened for the following health conditions; blood pressure level, blood sugar level, liver function test, kidney function test, eye test, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), and stress/psychological screening for women less than sixty-five years which is visual inspection under acetic acid.

Health Screening for CHS Staff

Speaking on behalf of the KNUST wellness team, Dr. Nana Akua Abrokwah highlighted the activities and mandate of the KNUST Wellness Center. She also revealed that the center is keen on promoting preventive health over curative health through collaborating with the gym and other related departments to achieve holistic preventive health and good mental health for all staff of the university.

The health screening was successful, receiving over 250 staff during the two days.