CHS Committed To Producing Industry Ready Graduates – KNUST 10th Summer School

The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) has held its 10th Summer School, 2023 for Staff of the University. This year’s event commenced on Monday, 2nd October 2023, and ended on Thursday, 5th October 2023 on the theme "Academia-Industry Partnership for National Development”.
The Opening Ceremony which was held at the Great Hall saw participants from various Colleges and Units of the University. Professor (Mrs.) Rita Akosua Dickson the Vice-Chancellor of KNUST stressed the need for alignment between academia, research, and industry expectations. She underlined the goal of enhancing collaboration between educational institutions and the industrial sector, leading to improved learning outcomes for economic development. She expressed the hope that the various themes that would be discussed in various sessions for Senior Members, Senior Staff, and Junior Staff would inspire the various Units and Colleges of the University to prepare graduates better, bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical skills, and cultivate stronger relationships with industry.

The second and third days of this year’s Summer School was decentralised into various Colleges and Faculties to identify and discuss peculiar needs in tandem with the theme. The Provost of the College of Health Sciences, Professor Christian Agyare in his remarks stated that the theme for this year’s Summer School gives the College the opportunity to take an introspection into activities, re-examine what CHS is doing, and determine what can be done differently to make the students being trained industry-ready. The resource persons assembled for the special sessions of the Summer School made presentations and discussions in the areas of entrepreneurship, Practical Steps to Design Curriculum and Academia-Industry Partnership.

The KNUST Summer School, an innovation of the University to afford staff of KNUST the opportunity to upgrade themselves in selected areas to help enhance their output for better productivity ended on high note with encouraging feedback from participants.